Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The sex sermon

Our church is doing a sermon in February about sex and intimacy in marriage. I have been lucky enough to be asked to be part of an "advisory" panel to let the pastors know what people think of certain aspects of the sermon prior to preaching it.

So we all met Sunday night. It was the head pastor and his wife, the youth pastor and his wife, and about 4 other couples, then myself and DH.

All and all it was a good time. I like to think that everyone shared openly.

There is one gentleman, we shall call him Mr. Smug, or Smugsy. It's a good thing that our worlds don't cross very often. I could see some very heated discussions. He is of the belief that, according to the bible, wives are to submit to their husbands and basically do as they say.

Hmmm...I have major issue with that. Which if I express that it opens up a WHOLE big can of worms regarding my thoughts on the bible.

So, lets hope for now Smugsy and I keep our relationship to a polite hello on Sunday mornings.

Did I mention Smugsy and Mrs. Smugsy are part of the "beautiful people" of the church. Yeah that doesn't help his case with me either.

Man I have a lot to work on. This blog was SUPPOSED to be about the sex sermon. I better log off before I say more.


Sornie said...

I really wish that you had sort of gone off about your thought about sex and the bible. I'd be interested in how closely our take on these two items actually are.

Elle Dubya said...

our pastor did a whole series (like two months worth of sundays!) on the book of Solomon and the bible's take on what marriage/sex is suppposed to be. i was going through a divorce at that time (years ago) and it was gut wrenching to sit through those sermons knowing that the marriage i was ending would have NEVER been as God indended. as for the whole submission thing - people try and make it this horrible act of domination and that's *not* what God had in mind. those that try and make it into an act of domination just don't get it.