Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Update on Sex Sermons and various little things in my life

I was speaking to a new good friend today and she, eh hem, oh so politely reminded me that I haven't blogged for awhile.

So today I am blogging.

DH and I started the sex challenge, but we've only done the sex part of it. We still have to do the emotional needs survey, and the journal. So we will be journaling several nights after everyone else.

Just for the record DH and I decided that as crazy as our lives are, and how often he's NOT at home, we weren't going to strive for 30 days of sex every night, but we would agree on a challenge of a minimum of 2 times a week, with the bonus points if we do it more than that.

That's enough to make him happy, and me not feel pressured to perform even if I'm exhaused. Although we've already used our two times, so I'm guessing that this will be a week with a few bonuses. LOL

On the mom front I went out on a limb today. I asked my new good friend if she wanted to come over to help me clean tomorrow for my Sensaria party. She's busy until 2, but might come over after that.

That was a HUGE thing for me. I don't even let Liza come over to help me. I love Liza, but I just can't imagine her coming over to help me clean and organize. My new good friend just has that vibe about her that she's totally cool about it, and it's something that she would enjoy. Liza and I would probably end up doing everything but clean and organize. Plus I live pretty far from Liza, and she has a pretty full plate right now, with working extra hours, and getting her oldest on and off the our schedules don't jive much right now, except on weekends.

I am really worried about the party though. My pastor's wife will be doing it, and I'm afraid that she will take one look at my place and be like "I like Countess and all, but I am NOT letting my kids play over there". I mean, I do my dishes, and sweep and vacuum my floor, but there are places on my kitchen floor that my dog has chewed, and places on my carpet the dog has chewed, and I've house broke about 7 dogs here. But I've carpet scrubbed my carpet, and I never let the messes sit or anything. It's never smelled like pee or poop at my house. It might smell a bit like dog...but never poop.

Oh well. It is what it is, and we are stuck with it for 5 more years. So there is no sense in not letting anyone over EVER, which is DH's thought. If someone isn't comfortable, then they don't have to come over, right???

Ok, that's enough updating for now. I have but a brief time to nap, so I'm going to take advantage of it.

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