...that great quote is from the movie TOMBSTONE.
It came to my mind last night after mulling over a conversation DH and I had.
We have this friend. We will call him The Mentor. The Mentor and my DH are pretty close. My husband looks upon situations and thinks "what would Jesus do and what would The Mentor do". As The Mentor is an all around great guy, I encourage this.
During his daylight hours, The Mentor works a professional job. He is in a fairly high position. An opening has come up in his department and its his responsiblity to hire someone to fill this position.
After perusing the resumes he finds a local gal. Her resume looks fantastik. He calls the company that she did her internship with. Glowing reviews. They couldn't say enough great things about her.
Now the Mentor is really pumped. He thinks he's found the girl.
Then he goes on Myspace. Looks up all of the potential employees.
Let me just advise anyone that is thinking about applying for a job. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT have ANYTHING on your myspace page that you wouldn't want the following people to see:
Your Grandma
Your mom
Your pastor
Your employer
This girl - who probably would be FANTASTIK at her job - is now not even going to get an interview call because of her Myspace page.
Do I think this is wrong? 100%
Do I think that it happens? All the time.
Here's the thing...I understand that an employer doesn't want to have immature sex addicts hanging around them.
As DH says...you are who you hang out with. You are who you put out there.
I looked up one of the profiles. I didn't see anything that would point to a potentional psycho path. I saw nothing that would indicate that she couldn't do that job.
But I'm not judgmental. I don't stay away from people with issues.
What a HUGE missed opportunity to introduce someone to the awesomeness of Christ and His Love.
I must admit...more walls are going up after this one. I thought the Mentor was pretty open minded.
Shows how wrong I can be. I don't want to be part of a group of people that judges based on your music style or hobbies.
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