Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

Fish version

I made a delicious fish this week and my family has requested that I make it part of our regular menu.

It was so simple and made up that I agreed. It didn't take much time and my daughter, the pickiest eater, had 2nds and 3rds, asked for it for breakfast (was denied) then ate 2 helpings at lunch. Good thing I made alot!


1 bag frozen tilapia filets.
Lemon Juice
Season Salt
3/4 Stick of butter
9x13 Pan

I purchased the whitefish Tilapia at Aldis. It's in the frozen section. I can't remember the price, but I will edit this post to reflect it next time I go.

I let the filets thaw, then "pammed" a 9 x 13 pan. I lay 4 filets in the bottom of the pan. I didn't want it to be too crowded. Since I made the whole bag I used 2 pans. I think I may have had 3 in one and 4 in another.

I sloshed drizzled lemon juice over all the filets. Then I took about 3/4 stick of butter and cut into "pats". I put a few pats on each filet.

Then I sprinkled season salt and paprika over top. I baked at 350 for about 40 mins total. Depending on how many you are cooking you want to start with 20 mins and go from there. You want them to be flaky but not dried out.

I served them with white rice and JJ's fried zucchini.

Let me know if you make them and what you think!

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