Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I swear I never learn...

Today I decided to do some couponing and to get some much needed groceries before the snow set in.

What I thought would be a 4 hour trip turned out to be an 6 hour trip. I did not factor in that some of the coupons I needed were in my husband's car at his work.

I also did not factor in the amount of time taken up by my son becoming possessed by a demon.

Now I've blogged on this before. I know that it takes about 2 hours for my children to become possessed once we've started shopping.

For some reason I was hoping that since I only had my son that the demons would not enter his body.

I was very wrong. At right around the 2 hour mark he started touching people. I don't mean walking up to them and touching them I mean he was walking along, dragging his fingers on the items on the shelf, and if a person was standing there he drug his fingers along them too.

This made for a very red faced mom! I was apologizing with a smile on my face while squeezing the bejabbers out of his arm as I held him behind me. Then when we walked into an unoccupied aisle I got on his level and gave him a firm warning. Where he cried and said he was sorry that he was starting over.

Then a few seconds later....he's doing it again. When I reach into my purse to pull out my handy dandy whipping spoon he promptly throws himself on the floor and creates a HUGE drama.

So I did what any mom would do....

I walked away and pretended he was someone else's kid.

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