Myself. I know, I know. But this blog is FOR me. Some of you crazy people just decided to come along for the ride.
So I'm in the shower this morning after I worked out. (Go ME!) As I've mentioned before the shower is my thinking time. So I realize that I'm processing a post from a "friend" on facebook from yesterday.
By "friend" I mean an acquaintance that I met at MOPS and have NEVER spent any personal time with her.
I realized that most of the times her posts are usually about abortion and how ppl that believe in abortion should be treated or she posts videos of extremists etc.
Abortion is her soapbox.
I get it. Totally. She is a conservative christian with a strong belief and very strong fingers to type said beliefs.
But here was my thought process this morning:
Wow...she is starting to get a little overzealous in her posts. I wonder if she thinks that's what she is supposed to do. I wonder if she realizes how that makes her look to the general public....
Then, for some unknown reason, I start getting angry. I'm guess that at this point Satan or some other demon stepped in and started soaping up my back....
All I could think was.....Is this what Christ would do? Is this how HE would handle the abortion thing? I mean, I studied Christs life in some detail and I don't recall ANYTHING that would point saying these types of things or acting like these extremists are.
I was mentally writing my response to her post. I was calling her out and making points that would show her ignorance and I could just feel this rage building and building...
Then I heard a still, soft voice say - Bekki -
I will take care of it.
That's it. That's all it said. But it was enough. Who am I to take on a challenge like that? I run my trap about how I can't believe in anything until I get Holy Spirit Conviction - and then I'm trying to shove MY personal views down this poor girls throat.
It's not up to me to act just like the people I can't stand. It's up to me to act like Christ. To show Christ through my actions and not just my words.
So for now I stand in prayer. I prayed really hard in the shower, and I hope it caused the demon in there with me to burn a bit. I prayed for wisdom and understanding and authority.
I'm not sure what else to do but to unfriend her. We never actually talk, and her posts are just become to "crazy extremist christian" for me. I don't really want to be associated with anything like that. I think it limits my ability to show people what Christ is like.
Until God sees fit to tel me what to do - I will sit back and pray.