Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lay down, it's still sleepy sleep time....

Last night was a real winner. My son, The Viscount, whom I'll call DS, is 1 and 1/2 must be cutting teeth. He woke up around 1:30 crying for me. So into the bed he goes with me and Daddy. Then my lovely DH leaves for work around 3:30, and my daughter must have heard them. So in comes my little Viscountess, whom I'll call DD.

I tell her to be quiet, that brother was already in bed. He's sleeping somewhat in the middle on his stomach. As I lay the daughter down, he pops his head up like a groundhog. My DD grins at him and says HI, BROTHER!! Like it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I tell them both that it's still early in the morning, and it's still ni night time. Time for Sleepy Sleep.

Which is totally disregarded as they start chattering to each other. I more firmly remind them that IT'S SLEEPY SLEEP TIME!

To which they respond by whispering their chattering. I try to just go to sleep while they whisper, but then the giggling begins.

OK, WHO WANTS TO GET BACK INTO THEIR OWN BED??? No one? Well then, I suggest you both close your eyes and GOT BACK TO SLEEPY SLEEP.

Finally they take the hint, and I'm able to get about 40 minutes more shut eye.

So I think it's going to be real interesting when they are 15 and are doing the same thing.....

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