Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Place for Everything

Remember watching the Jetsons? I used to watch it every morning before going to school.

Remember the one episode when Rosie, the robot maid, went a little haywire and was running around saying "A place for everything and everything in its place"?

Well that's one of my main problems. Well two problems.

Problem Number One: I don't have a robot maid. I think my life would be A LOT easier if I had a robot maid that I could instruct to clean exactly like I want, every single day. So all I have to do it come home, cook dinner, and play with my husband and kids. If anyone needs me to test one out, I'll gladly use a protype.

Problem Number Two: Since I don't have a robot maid, most of the cleaning falls to me. Now to be honest, my sister in law comes down 1-2 days a week (which I pay her extra for) and she does what I call "reddin up". She does dishes, vacuums, a few loads of laundry and sometimes makes my bed. This isn't hard core cleaning, but she's cheap, and on the days she's there I feel a sense of relief.

However, I still run into a problem with "stuff". I think that's the reason she's good at "reddin up" is cuase she hides stuff. It can take me days to find certain dishes, or things I bought from the store.

Herein lies the problem. I don't have a place for everything I don't have a place for most of my stuff. So I just set it out on the counter, hoping that I will eventually find a place for it. But unless my SIL comes over, it will sit there for days, sometimes weeks, before I assign it a location. My cupboards are stuffed to the gills, I have NO storage. Well, I have a little storage, such as a back room that used to be a master bath that now holds baby clothes, baby toys and the like.

My greatest fear, however, is that once I do get a bigger place and storage - that I'll still leave things out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only advice I can even think of is...If you don't use it loose it. It could even be spiritual is some sense.

If you can’t let the junk in your house go, then you can't let the junk in your heart go either.

IF your surroundings are cluttered...so is your mind.

If your surroundings don’t reflect you and your passions then, you loose yourself.

I know it sounds weird but I am weird, so the advice fits well for me. Sorry if it wasn’t any help