Thursday, October 16, 2008

A few changes

I really screwed up. I opened my big mouth and now my sister knows about this blog. Well, sortof knows. She knows I have 2 private blogs.

She is pissed. She feels she should have access to these blogs. But I KNOW there will be MAJOR issues if she reads my other blog. It's very difficult for my family to imagine that I have parts of my life I would like to KEEP from them.

So I guess I'm going to have to create a completely vanilla blog, under a different name than Countess and share that with my family to satisfy their thirst for knowledge.

Dang it I barely have time to write in these. Where will I find time for a third?

Ok, enough of that. Last night we had dinner with some people we know from church. They are in our small group. It was nice. I didn't have to cook and my kids ate like pigs. All and all a successful night. Except for the acid indigestion that I was throwing up at 3 am. Yeah that sucks.

DH is all pissy this morning because I didn't go to bed at the same time of him. Ummm...I didn't have to get up at 3 a.m. He did. Why should I lose out on my "no kids" time? He is such a baby sometimes.

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