Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

1.) As an adult, do you do anything for Halloween or is it jut another day?

I like to do things for Halloween, but since having kids its difficult to find time. Right now we just focus on taking the kids trick or treating. In order to please the grandparents we get to take them 3 different days and places.

2.) Do you ever dress up for Halloween? What will be your costume this year?

Liza used to help me dress up, but we haven't in awhile. I wear some pink horns, does that count?

3.) Have you started Christmas shopping yet? When do you usually begin?

Yes, I have. I've been getting started earlier and earlier each year. I'm hoping to eventually get to the point that the shopping is done by November.

4.) Do you look people in the eye when talking? Does it bother you when people don't make eye contact during conversation?

I make eye contact, but I don't stare. I only hate when someone is apologizing and won't look me in the eyes. I make my kids look me in the eyes when they apologize after time out.

5.) What excuse do you usually use when you want to take a day off work for no real reason?

My HPV is acting up. J/K Usually that I have things I have to do. My work is pretty understanding.

6.) How often, on average, do you find yourself thinking about sex per day?

Alot. Probably at least once an hour, maybe twice. Sometimes more, never less. It think about it and don't always get aroused, but I just get these images in my head. I don't really understand it.

7.) What company makes your favorite brand of shoes? What makes them your favorite?

Whoever is cheapest.

8.) Do you ever save alcohol bottles once they are empty?

No, should I? Is there a special use for them?

9.) Do you enjoy musicals?

Love them. Well, only the dramatic ones or romantic ones.

1 comment:

Ashly Star said...

Nice answers! Happy Wednesday!