Monday, October 27, 2008

My Monday Confession

I cussed at a 14 year old punk this weekend. If I hadn't missed a dose of my psycho meds I probably would have let his slight pass.

I'll admit it I was in a pissy mood. I had been up most of the night with fevered children. My DH (and I use the D very sarcasticlly today) got up at 6 and went to cut firewood. I had to be at my mom's by 2 for trick or treat.

I thought if the kids were sick then I could get out of it. But to no avail. I have no idea why they were fevered. My son might be cutting teeth, my daughter might be getting an ear infection. I dunno.

Anyhow - I make it to my moms by 1:45 p.m. My mom lives in a gated community that surrounds a lake. It's where I grew up. The lake front houses have VERY VERY steep driveways and the lake is very large. So everyone that trick-r-treats drives. Some in golf carts, some on four-wheelers, some in cars.

This year my mom borrowed a trailer and threw some hay bales in it for the kids to sit on and hooked it to the old explorer.

Sounds peachy, right? Well it would have been, except my aunt's kids - Daughter is 18 and son is 14 decide they want to go. Not only do they want to go but the son brought a friend and the daughter brought a boyfriend.

On top of that my brother who is 12 is going - as well as my cousin who is 14.

The boyfriend and friend and my girl cousin are riding in the back of the explorer. Doing nothing but sitting on their fat lazy asses. Not helping with the kids in any way, shape or form.

Needless to say my irritation level kicks up a bit. I've already had to put them in check for language and I warned them that I wouldn't hesitate to make them walk.

So about 1/2 way around the other side of the lake I hear my girl cousin say - "Watch your mouths, there are children here and that was inappropriate". At this point two of the smaller kids had joined the fat asses in the back.

So I said - "Ok, everyone shut up"

At that point, the 14 year old punk decides to going into a monologue about how he's always getting in trouble by other people and that he didn't do anything blah blah blah. I said - "You probably wouldn't get in trouble if you would SHUT YOUR MOUTH."

So then the boyfriends starts his monologue and I say "I MEAN EVERYONE."

Lovely silence for about 2 minutes. Then the boyfriend says "Butter, Peanut Butter". So I put the car in park and tell them to get out. They didn't believe me. So I walk around to the back of the explorer and again tell them to GET OUT!! Which they finally do. It's a good few miles up and down steep hills to get back to my moms. But I don't care. They should have had more respect.

So the remaining teenagers helped very nicely with the kids for the rest of trick r treating. Amazing what some discipline will do!

So when we get back my aunt has gone and picked them up so their fat asses didn't have to walk. Then my aunt wanted to hear my side of the story because she had heard theirs. So I shared it with her. She said, ok, let's go talk to them. So we go over there and the 14 year old kept interrupting me, and looking away and rolling his eyes.

So I refused to accept his apology. Then he was like "What's your problem." I said what's my problem? It's that you disrespect me and treat me like a piece of shit in my own family's vehicle and home?? You are a guest here and were welcomed in like one of our family and then you turn around and talk to me like that. GROW UP. You don't act like that when you are a guest.

There was a lot more said, but no more cussing. But I felt bad about saying shit and raising my voice. But I was mad, damnit.

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