Friday, October 31, 2008


I've mentioned before that I have problems disciplining my children. It really bothers me to hear them cry. Logically I know that I'm doing them a dis service by not disciplining them, but it still hurts my soul.

Anyhow, I'm reading a really good book called "The Year of Living Biblically" by A. J. Jacobs. It's a humours book about a guy that tries to live the bible literally for a year.

I enjoy it because I have so many things that are in the bible that I question, but I am taught to go on faith. That's a whole other post.

So here is what the book says:

"I've got to get stricter. Look at the example set by God. The God of the Bible treats his children - the human race - with both justice and mercy. Right now I'm out of wack; I'm 10 percent justice and 90 percent mercy. If I had been in charge of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would have gotten three strikes, then a fourth, then a stern warning, then had their bedtime moved up twenty minutes. God, as you know, kicked them out. As a sign of His compassion, he clothed them in animal skins before the eviction, but He still kicked them out."

That fits me to a T. I pray about this regularly. But my daughter prays against me, LOL. She asks that the lord makes me not so angry and to let her do more stuff.

That's what I gotta do...start kicking them out right away. I let them push me too much. They win more often than I do. Dang it.

I want to be the winning team. Because when a parent operating in the best interests of their child wins....everyone wins.

1 comment:

Elle Dubya said...

Came over for the TMI, but this caught my attention as well...

Just last night after our own series of 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances, I had to put my 10 year old in an extended time out (30 minutes). It took her a full 20+ minutes just to quit screaming and crying. Before I went into her room at the end of the timeout, I dropped to my knees and prayed that the Lord would not only give me strength and comfort but that he would open her ears and her heart to our discussion. God showed up...