Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

So today I started something similar to My Monday Mission. This is called Tackle it Tuesday. There is a lovely site with some information if you click the icon above.

Here is my mission, my kitchen:

Since we have rescused another dog, the doggone (hee hee) dog crate is in the middle of my already impossibly small kitchen. So my goal is to get the crate and put it somewhere else.

I just don't know where yet.

For those of you that are organized, or clean freaks, you may not want to view any of my pictures as your heart will stop.

Here's another picture of the carnage:

So somehow I have to figure out how to get my kitchen back. So that cooking is pleasant, and I don't hurt myself everytime I turn around.

Any suggestions?

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Monday Morning Confession

My confession for today is:

I wanted to delete this blog and create a new one. But I couldn't do it. I am going to share this blog with some people from church. If they aren't comfortable with it, they don't have to read it, right?

I feel very exposed, but I'm doing it.

The other portion of this post is to let you know that My Monday Morning Confession will be changed to my Monday Mission. I plan on using this to take pictures of projects I'm working on and the progress (or lack thereof). I'm hoping that by sharing it will motivate me to get things done. Instead of sitting around and watching Franklin.

I'll probably post my first mission later today. When I get the pictures taken. It's a scary mission, should I chose to accept it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Still Adjusting

So I'm still adjusting to my hopefully temporary Stay At Home Mom status. However I did have a run in with some beans for the bean bag. Here are some pics...

Ntoice the little white things on the floor and the stuff everywhere. That's because I had to move my furniture to to get the busted bag of little white balls. My children had "accidentaly" busted the bag when trying to retrieve a ball. So I had to shovel, literally, little white balls into a trash bag and then sweep.

Here's another pic of the destruction....

So after several hours, one meal, breaking up several fights, an hour talk with my very much missed Auntie CH....I finally got the floor to look like this:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I just don't know

So this morning was library/story day and McDonalds with the other SAHM's. This is such a difficult adjustment. We just got home and I put the kids down for a nap and I don't know what to do with myself. There is so much housework that it's overwhelming and I'm not sure where to start. Plus part of me just wants to veg while the kids aren't up my backside. I just don't know what to do.

I know I need to make a list of projects and I need to set forth a scheudle for myself. It's wonderful having other SAHM's that are giving me ideas of things to do, however they have all been doing this awhile and have their days scheduled and planned and their houses are perfectly clean and.....can you tell I feel inadequate. My self worth is very low right now, and I'm not sure how to raise it back up, short of landing another job. Which I don't know to do until I have to.

Anyone want to give me an example of their day so that I can take ideas to model my own?


Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Morning Confession

So this morning I am confessing to not having a job. Well, I still have the job of wife and mother. But I was downsized on Friday. A complete and total shock to both of us. My kids love it though. They hated going to my sister in laws.

So this morning I start my new job of stay at home mom. So far I'm a slow goer. I still need to do breakfast dishes, and I have to shower and get my kids dressed because we have running we need to do.

I hope I can train myself to be as good of a stay at home mom as I was an admin.

Please pray that God reveals his plan for myself and my family.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

WW #29
1.) When was your last visit to an emergency room? What happened?

I broke my arm in a backyard demolition derby. The hospital staff didn't believe that it was broken. Once they reviewed the x-rays they apologized for how rough they had been moving my arm. Then they refused to let my boyfriend (now husband) back into the room with me because they were convinced that I was lying about the demo derby and that he had broken my arm. I kept getting asked -

So, how did this happen.

I was in a Demo Derby in the back yard of a friend.

Ok, so did he push you down the stairs?

Huh?? No, I was in a Demo Derby in the back yard.

Did he use his hands, or a baseball bat or golf club?

Ummm, no. I seriously was in a Demo Derby in the back yard.

And so on....

2.) Who do you look more like: Mom, dad or another relative?

I look the most like my youngest sister, Little Miss Can't Be Wrong. or rather, she looks like me and we both look the most like our Dad.

3.) What sounds annoy you?

This pages doesn't hold enough space for me to describe what annoys me. However the thing I think of first is immaturity in adults.

Two quick examples:

At our Christmas Party last year my boss started throwing spit balls and wadded up paper that was hitting the people at the table behind us. When I advised him of that he said "Fuck em". Nice eh?

At a Women of Faith conference I went to some girls took some pantyliners and colored them with red marker in the middle then stuck them to our "Leader's" door. They thought that was soooo hilarious. I was so angry that I couldn't speak and it wasn't even my door.

4.) What are three movies could you(or have you) watch(ed) over and over and still love?

Princess Bride

5.) Do you ever wish you were someone else?

I never wish I am anyone else. I just wish I was a thinner, more toned me.

6.) What do you think of when you think of Paris?

Eiffel Tower. Dirt. Smarmy men.

7.) What' s the last sporting event you watched?

UFC Unleased - MMA is the only sport I will watch.

8.) What do you think about sexual Role Playing?

I think it sounds like fun. But I've never done it. Count be a good way to spice up a dull sex life. But it would take a willingness on both parts. Just one can't roleplay.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Morning Confession...

I am waaaayyyy to sensitive about my mothering skills. We were at our small group/Life group on Sunday. My son decided that he would have a COMPLETE meltdown as we were leaving. As he was melting down my husband decided that he would share with our friends/life group leaders that my child was melting down because I never stand up to him. That I let them have whatever they want and give in to them.

I'll admit it, I do a lot of time. I CAN'T STAND for my kids to cry. I don't know if its because when they were babies I was the one to answer their cries, or if it's something wrong with me.

My self preservation says - it's not MY fault. I'm basically a single mom and I'll do whatever it takes to have peace and quiet. I'm the one that puts them to bed. I'm the one that prepares their food. I'm the one that's changed 95% of their diapers. I'm the one that stays up with them if they are sick or have a nightmare. I'm the one that takes them to all of their doctor appointments. Me Me Me....so of course they are going to cry for me. Of course they want me to do everything. I ALWAYS do everything.

So this week I'm praying that the Lord helps me to be able to listen to them cry, and to be more firm and resistant to their pleas, because in the long run it will make them stronger and better children and adults.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

I have not been doing devotionals. For those that aren't familiar with them, devotionals are little stories that you can read, and they have questions at the end that make you review yourself and your life. They are based on biblical truths, and really make you get into the bible.

Doing these devotionals brings an inner peace and a closeness with God. I miss that. I need that.

I haven't been making time for God in my daily life. Yes I pray. I pray a lot. I pray with my kids, I pray when I'm driving, I pray when I look at my weekly sticky note of people to pray for.

But I don't take time to just listen to Him, and focus and meditate on him.

It would be better for me if I would make that time. Reading while going to the bathroom doesn't seem right. But that's the only time I really have to myself.

Any suggestions on that?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness #28

1. If you were in a situation where it was either starve to death or resort to cannibalism, would you resort to cannibalism to stay alive or let yourself starve?

It would depend on if the person died naturally, or if I had to kill them. I don't know that I could do it, but I've never been on the brink of starving to death...I think if you are in survival mode your body forces you to do things you never would do. I know that if I were to die first, I would instruct those still alive to eat my body, because my spirit would be long gone....

2. Do you know all of the words to the National Anthem and The Pledge of Allegiance? Yes I do, do I need to type them here to prove it?

3. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

I used to be a leader now I'm a follower. Until I get irritated.

4. What is your most favorite holiday? It used to be Halloween, but now it's Christmas. Why? Having kids makes you look at things differently. I love buying things for them and seeing their faces when they see what it is. I love the look they get when they see Christmas lights. I love to hear my boy say "Ho Ho" when he sees Santa. I love the feeling I get in my heart when I hear the Christmas songs.

5. In what ways, if any, are you superstitious? I'll knock on wood, or walk around the same side of a pole as someone - I'm sure I do more superstitious things but I can't think of it. Isn't it ironic that the song Superstitious by Stevie Wonder is on right now?? Weird.

6. If you had to pick a creature from the Mythical Creatures Guide to be your pet, which would you choose and why?

I would chose the unicorn. I wouldn't want to chose anything with human like anything because that would just be like slavery. But to form a relationship with a unicorn and look at its beauty every day....that would be magic.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

TMI Tuesday # 159

1. Have you ever had a moving violation? An auto accident? That was your fault?
No and No. (Knock on wood) And stop asking questions like this, you'll jinx me.

2. Have you ever voted? Yes. Once. How old were you the first time you voted? I think I was 25.

3. Are you glad this election cycle is over? Yes Now the finger pointing may begin.

4. Do you have guilty pleasure? Yes What is it (or are they)? Chocolate Chip Cookies, Blogging, Reading, Laying around watching TV for more than 15 minutes at a time. That is SOOOOO decedant.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done recently? I don't embarass easily. I can't think of anything for this. Maybe scream at the teenagers in the back of my mom's explorer on Halloween to GET OUT AND WALK!

Bonus: How much impact has the Wall Street and general economic wilt had on you? None yet, and hopefully not at all, ever.