Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

So today I started something similar to My Monday Mission. This is called Tackle it Tuesday. There is a lovely site with some information if you click the icon above.

Here is my mission, my kitchen:

Since we have rescused another dog, the doggone (hee hee) dog crate is in the middle of my already impossibly small kitchen. So my goal is to get the crate and put it somewhere else.

I just don't know where yet.

For those of you that are organized, or clean freaks, you may not want to view any of my pictures as your heart will stop.

Here's another picture of the carnage:

So somehow I have to figure out how to get my kitchen back. So that cooking is pleasant, and I don't hurt myself everytime I turn around.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

PrincessButtercup said...

Start piles. Have to keep. Could live with out. Throw out now. Narrow everything into these catergories. Anything that falls into the last two throw out directly. If you haven't touched the item within the last 30 days you probably don't need. (with the exception of things you use yearly...like cookie trays, electric knife...etc. You could put things like that in a cabinet you don't use everyday.) You have to clear the clutter before you can do anything else. You'd be surprised how easy it becomes to throw things away and how much better you'll feel. LOVE YOU. I'm here if you want help.