Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Morning Confession

So this morning I am confessing to not having a job. Well, I still have the job of wife and mother. But I was downsized on Friday. A complete and total shock to both of us. My kids love it though. They hated going to my sister in laws.

So this morning I start my new job of stay at home mom. So far I'm a slow goer. I still need to do breakfast dishes, and I have to shower and get my kids dressed because we have running we need to do.

I hope I can train myself to be as good of a stay at home mom as I was an admin.

Please pray that God reveals his plan for myself and my family.

1 comment:

Elle Dubya said...

hopefully this will be one of those blessings in disguise. years ago i begged my (then)husband to let me stay home with our children - we could well afford to do it at the time - but he refused. i'm not in a position to do it now - being a single mom - but i do envy your opportunity and hope that you are able to make the most out of it!