Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness #28

1. If you were in a situation where it was either starve to death or resort to cannibalism, would you resort to cannibalism to stay alive or let yourself starve?

It would depend on if the person died naturally, or if I had to kill them. I don't know that I could do it, but I've never been on the brink of starving to death...I think if you are in survival mode your body forces you to do things you never would do. I know that if I were to die first, I would instruct those still alive to eat my body, because my spirit would be long gone....

2. Do you know all of the words to the National Anthem and The Pledge of Allegiance? Yes I do, do I need to type them here to prove it?

3. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

I used to be a leader now I'm a follower. Until I get irritated.

4. What is your most favorite holiday? It used to be Halloween, but now it's Christmas. Why? Having kids makes you look at things differently. I love buying things for them and seeing their faces when they see what it is. I love the look they get when they see Christmas lights. I love to hear my boy say "Ho Ho" when he sees Santa. I love the feeling I get in my heart when I hear the Christmas songs.

5. In what ways, if any, are you superstitious? I'll knock on wood, or walk around the same side of a pole as someone - I'm sure I do more superstitious things but I can't think of it. Isn't it ironic that the song Superstitious by Stevie Wonder is on right now?? Weird.

6. If you had to pick a creature from the Mythical Creatures Guide to be your pet, which would you choose and why?

I would chose the unicorn. I wouldn't want to chose anything with human like anything because that would just be like slavery. But to form a relationship with a unicorn and look at its beauty every day....that would be magic.

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