Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

WW #29
1.) When was your last visit to an emergency room? What happened?

I broke my arm in a backyard demolition derby. The hospital staff didn't believe that it was broken. Once they reviewed the x-rays they apologized for how rough they had been moving my arm. Then they refused to let my boyfriend (now husband) back into the room with me because they were convinced that I was lying about the demo derby and that he had broken my arm. I kept getting asked -

So, how did this happen.

I was in a Demo Derby in the back yard of a friend.

Ok, so did he push you down the stairs?

Huh?? No, I was in a Demo Derby in the back yard.

Did he use his hands, or a baseball bat or golf club?

Ummm, no. I seriously was in a Demo Derby in the back yard.

And so on....

2.) Who do you look more like: Mom, dad or another relative?

I look the most like my youngest sister, Little Miss Can't Be Wrong. or rather, she looks like me and we both look the most like our Dad.

3.) What sounds annoy you?

This pages doesn't hold enough space for me to describe what annoys me. However the thing I think of first is immaturity in adults.

Two quick examples:

At our Christmas Party last year my boss started throwing spit balls and wadded up paper that was hitting the people at the table behind us. When I advised him of that he said "Fuck em". Nice eh?

At a Women of Faith conference I went to some girls took some pantyliners and colored them with red marker in the middle then stuck them to our "Leader's" door. They thought that was soooo hilarious. I was so angry that I couldn't speak and it wasn't even my door.

4.) What are three movies could you(or have you) watch(ed) over and over and still love?

Princess Bride

5.) Do you ever wish you were someone else?

I never wish I am anyone else. I just wish I was a thinner, more toned me.

6.) What do you think of when you think of Paris?

Eiffel Tower. Dirt. Smarmy men.

7.) What' s the last sporting event you watched?

UFC Unleased - MMA is the only sport I will watch.

8.) What do you think about sexual Role Playing?

I think it sounds like fun. But I've never done it. Count be a good way to spice up a dull sex life. But it would take a willingness on both parts. Just one can't roleplay.

1 comment:

PrincessButtercup said...

You sooooo look more like your mom! Don't make me post comparison pics. lol