Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Morning Confession...

I am waaaayyyy to sensitive about my mothering skills. We were at our small group/Life group on Sunday. My son decided that he would have a COMPLETE meltdown as we were leaving. As he was melting down my husband decided that he would share with our friends/life group leaders that my child was melting down because I never stand up to him. That I let them have whatever they want and give in to them.

I'll admit it, I do a lot of time. I CAN'T STAND for my kids to cry. I don't know if its because when they were babies I was the one to answer their cries, or if it's something wrong with me.

My self preservation says - it's not MY fault. I'm basically a single mom and I'll do whatever it takes to have peace and quiet. I'm the one that puts them to bed. I'm the one that prepares their food. I'm the one that's changed 95% of their diapers. I'm the one that stays up with them if they are sick or have a nightmare. I'm the one that takes them to all of their doctor appointments. Me Me of course they are going to cry for me. Of course they want me to do everything. I ALWAYS do everything.

So this week I'm praying that the Lord helps me to be able to listen to them cry, and to be more firm and resistant to their pleas, because in the long run it will make them stronger and better children and adults.

1 comment:

Elle Dubya said...

One of my biggest struggles is consistency. I think that I like to "pick my battles" and focus on correcting the big stuff but the lesson I've learned is that if I'm not consistent with the little things then the big ones grow into these huge hairy monstrous arguments. Am I 100%? No, not even close. It's all a process. It would be nice if you had a partner who supported your parenting strategy. You do what you can with what you have. I've been the "single parent in a marriage" before. Lots I could say on that subject...