Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

I have not been doing devotionals. For those that aren't familiar with them, devotionals are little stories that you can read, and they have questions at the end that make you review yourself and your life. They are based on biblical truths, and really make you get into the bible.

Doing these devotionals brings an inner peace and a closeness with God. I miss that. I need that.

I haven't been making time for God in my daily life. Yes I pray. I pray a lot. I pray with my kids, I pray when I'm driving, I pray when I look at my weekly sticky note of people to pray for.

But I don't take time to just listen to Him, and focus and meditate on him.

It would be better for me if I would make that time. Reading while going to the bathroom doesn't seem right. But that's the only time I really have to myself.

Any suggestions on that?


PrincessButtercup said...

Can't help you there. I get most of my message through dream and then it's up to me to interpret them.

Elle Dubya said...

I've found that I stink at daily devotionals. I've tried Oswald Chambers, I've tried those "read the bible in a year" charts - I just can't do it. What I CAN do is study books such as something from the "Power of a Praying (insert tagline here)" series or some other study guide. For years I just stuck with the Left Behind fiction series but what they all had in common was the reminder to reflect and to stay connected.