Did anyone miss me? I mean, I was gone for appx. 2 weeks. Surely that has impacted someone’s life. Ok, maybe not.
The Holidays went as well as can be expected. The only major drama I had was that I thought my purse was stolen. Ok, lost. Whatever. Here I had put it on the end of my daughter’s bed when I carried her in from the car. Ok, only a slight anxiety attack. I can handle that.
Now, to focus on 2008. I need to have some goals. I’ll post my sexual ones on my other blog. This is the clean one.
1. Beat my children more. Seriously, a lot more. When I say stop hitting me, I mean it. We don’t hit in this family, damnit
2. Beat my dog more. Seriously, when I say stay in the kitchen, I mean, stay in the fucking kitchen.
3. Nap more. When I say that I want to take a nap, I mean it. I don’t mean I want to lay down, then get up every 15 minutes to fill a sippy cup, or stop a child from sticking his toys in the electrical socket. Sheesh…can I have an hour for myself?
4. Sweep my kitchen floor more often. It’s pretty bad when the dog won’t even lay down on it.
5. Get up earlier. Honestly, do I need to hit the snooze 6 times?? Nooo..just set my alarm clock for later.. Wait then I won’t be…ok, nevermind.
6. Try to stand up for myself, without coming across as a total bitch. This includes no dirty looks, no snorts when someone talks, no sighing, and no stony silences.
That’s all I can think of right now. Anyone else have any suggestions?
I love your attitude towards beating pets and children! Another suggestion is to eat more leftovers. Cleaning those containers out of the back of the fridge is always scary.
YAY!!! Bekki's back!! WAHOO!!!!
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